Wednesday, December 7, 2016

F Bombs Are Safer Than Guns

       Last blog of the semester is going to a short one! I chose Jordan Call's blog "Is She Really Lady Liberty?" Jordan starts the blog with a quick warning to those who might feel uncomfortable with the word "fuck." To be honest I am a little upset that I have missed this explicit blog this whole time. Jordan's style of writing is obviously to the point and blunt. Wasting no time to say his point ( Jordan I am guessing your a guy, I have a unisex name so don't hate me if I am wrong). He throws in colorful language like the F bomb and calling people "pussies." This type of in your face language has been proven to be both controversial and popular to people who use this style in front of larger audiences. If our platforms on these blogs were larger, Jordan would probably have a pretty big following because of his blunt style. What Jordan chose to write about is an important issue that has been a debate for a while now. I agree with everything he has said. Americans have this glorifying idea of guns and weapons. I too am guilty of wanting to be a bad ass and start bending bullets after I saw the hit movie "Wanted." But I also understood that this is real life, and people tend to get shot when their are real guns around.
         I don't understand this wave of thinking that you need to protect yourselves by having a gun. This isn't the wild west! Why the hell does anyone need a gun at school? More importantly, how are students that don't carry guns supposed to feel safe in a setting that is constantly on the news for having mass shootings? It is a ridiculous agenda pushed by the NRA and the fear tactics in the media that a decent amount of idiots have sucked up. My Brother was killed by a random civilian with a gun. When bullets go flying in the regular world, its not fun! Life is lost, mental strings become unhinged, and fear becomes life. If you feel the need to have a gun so badly, join the army! Take your invincible ass to a place that benefits the country. Otherwise, stop being paranoid, stop putting other people lives at risk, and as Jordan Call said "don't be a fucking pussy."

1 comment:

  1. My critique is on my classmate's blog, "Make America Blog Again". I am not sure if they are a she or he because they did not provide a name! I have to say, it was my first time ever reading their blog, and I am kinda bummed that I have missed their blog all semester because I like the way they think and what they write about. In their blog 7, he/she writes a critique about another classmate's blog, "A Closer Look at our Fealess Leaders", by Jordan Call. From there I also checked out Jordan's blog, and I am also bummed that I never checked out his blog as well because he too is a very interesting writer with a blunt style which I love! My classmate's thoughts on Jordan is actually how I feel about Jordan's comments on carrying guns at the f*@^ will guns at school promote a "safer" environment when all it does is bring more terror for students!
