Monday, October 24, 2016

The Best Little Blog in Texas Happens To Also Be Dumbest

          I happen to love the assignment of commenting on personal opinionated blogs. It gives a better reason  to figure out where conservatives get their ideas and thoughts. Which I learned today apparently comes out of their asses. When I saw this assignment I already knew that I wanted to go for a right winged conservative blog. It's just no fun only hearing from a certain group of like minded individuals. So when I clicked on The TexasFred Blog and immediately saw the quote "God, Guns, and Guts" accompanied by a very fierce picture of the American Eagle, I instantly knew that I had found the one. I literally smiled at the newly found ignorance.  It took me just a few scrolls down the page to find an entry that oozed ignorance and stubbornness. So I enthusiastically read his post about "The Truth about Islam."  I had no idea that I could be so blessed to find the truth about one of the oldest religions from a white Christian Texan! Talk about being above the stereotype. All this time I assumed that conservative religious Texans had a convoluted and incredibly inaccurate idea on the Islamic religion. But here I was presented with an obvious multicultural scholar. Someone who understood that the quote "God, Guns, Guts" spoke parallel with Christian's views and obviously epitomized Jesus's ideology. I couldn't wait to be educated on who this Historian was.
          Fred Witzel is the author and host of this blog and is a self proclaimed "highly opinionated conservative." When asked to describe himself he uses words like "blunt, bold, and brash." He repeatedly notifies his readers that he is an angry gun owner and that he hates Libtards (a classy play on the merge of the word Liberals and the offensive use of the word Retard), Socialist, and of course Obama.

"I detest Libtards and old Hippies that support Barack Hussein Obama. I detest Obama too, but it’s NOT a racial thing, regardless of what Liberals tell you. I detest Obama because he is a Liberal/Socialist, America hating dope head and he is trying to destroy America. "

          Fred's audience is obviously geared towards other right wing conservatives and gun toting extremist as his cheerleaders. However, he also welcomes those who don't agree with his views or might get offended by his ideas, while simultaneously telling them to leave if they don't like him. Like an onion, he seems to have many layers to him that will only make you cry the deeper you deal with him.

         So he decided to repost an earlier subject on his new found "truth" on Islam. He starts by advocating the idea that the president of the country that he loves with so much anger is indeed a "brother" of  the terrorist group ISIS. He does this by purposely writing Obamas full name, that obviously has some Muslim origin to it, and stating reasons why the president doesn't say "radical Islam." He does this in an incredibly formed run on sentence. He then makes this statement.

 I am not surprised by it but I find it amazing that supposedly *peaceful* Muslims can stand idly by as a herd of Islamic TERRORISTS do what they do in the name of their religion.

          Surprisingly, (not surprisingly), this wise Christian has never heard of radical Christian terror groups like the KKK, or the raping and pillaging of the Native Americans, or the Aryan Brotherhood, or slavery. All done in the name of the Christian religion. After babbling he then makes this comment.

Don’t even try to deny it happens; Muslims MURDER other Muslims for belonging to a different sect of Islam, it happens all the time.

          So is it all Muslims? Or just some that we should hate?

         Witzel then list passages from the Quran that show violence towards anyone that isn't heavily devout to the Muslim religion. Passages that I, as a person who once read the Quran, do not recognize. He then makes this statement-"I try to be a fair man, I strive to present TRUTH on my blog." After already making this statement-"What? I’m wrong you say? Maybe I am."

           Which one is it sir? Are you all knowing or not? Have you read the Quaran? Have you actually had an intellectual conversation with a person affiliated in this faith? Or have you just copy and pasted ideas from other Radical Americans? As you can see, my faith in Witzel has started to wilt. I assumed that someone whom makes such offensive and strong statements as Islam is a cult that rapes and murders would have all of the facts straight.
          After reading this mans blog I don't feel depressed or stunned as many might feel when brought such hatred, hypocrisy, and misinformation. I know this is how many feel and think. But if I have to make one final critique on Witzel's work, I would say this. You cant call the post "The Truth about Islam" when it is statements that we have all already heard many times, and more importantly, statements that have not been proven to be TRUE but instead opinionated. 

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